
By Namaikisaru

Jisa Bokeh

I can't complain about Jisa Bokeh (jet lag) as there's only one hour difference.

But here is some photo bokeh. Bokeh incidentally means fuzziness. So jet lag is time fuzziness and calling someone Bokeh is a rather harsh way of telling them they are an idiot or worse.

Handsome Jay and Mr. Kim told me it was dangerous outside just after I'd checked in. I told them I was from Leeds. They didn't understand. I went outside. Five minute walk. Took some photos. They all proved to be better than the shots on the way to and in the airport.

Here's handsome Jay and SW checking out my blip of Lydia on my phone. They seem rather excited.

Don't think this is great as I was tired and a bit wobbly. Might try again out there tomorrow with my super compact tripod.

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