Snow Angels

Early again for ski school despite a rough night - cheese fondue should not be eaten late at night! MrRoly and I left before the class and headed up high. Did a lovely little red run before the cloud descended and the snow started falling again!

Bits of skiing interspersed with hot chocolate drinking until it was time to collect Bella and Ally. As a change we caught the bus back to the chalet, dumped our skies and walked to the cafe at the bottom of Le Fornet lift, just a few hundred metres from our chalet.

We tried sledging on our little bum sled thingies but the snow was too deep! So the kids made snow angels instead. Now curled up on our bed watching DrWho DVDs as the wind has picked up, the snow is still falling and visibility is poor. Tomorrow will be a full day regardless so we need to gather our strength ready!

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