Study- Library

This is my study while on the road this winter. It's actually my sleeping quarters, but usually what happens is I wake up early, brew a cup of coffee, perform all my writings, and then maybe go back to sleep for an hour or so. The pan on the floor in the foreground is there because of the torrential rains pelting us at the time. Wilson's roof leaks around the AC roof vent, something I'll have fixed when I get back home (when it's dry, of course). But this has been my castle for three months, and I'm getting pretty used to the routine. Yeah, a pot on the wet floor, rain blowing sideways outside…just livin' the dream.

Basketball Note: Today I witnessed one of the coolest scenes of the season, at practice no less. In an effort to break up the monotony of endless practices performing the same drills and working the same offenses and defenses, I organized a 3-on-3 tournament, where girls throughout the program, JV and varsity, freshmen through seniors, were grouped together and played all other teams. We had enough for six teams, so in the end we held a championship game, a third-fourth place game, and then a fifth-sixth place game for the "cellar dwellers." The coolest thing happened during that game, after the 1st through 4th place games had been decided. The girls encircled the court where the 5th and 6th teams were playing, and they clapped their hands and led spirited cheers in unison for their teammates out battling each other. It was yet one more signal of unity in this team, brought on even more so by the winding down of the year. These girls never cease to amaze. I am sorry I did not have a picture of that to blip.

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