
By DaisyMoo


So I thought I would brave the bad weather and still go for a run after work. When I got there the man at the desk informed me that the beginners club was cancelled tonight but to wait and see who turned up? After 15 minutes 2 men turned up from the advanced group and insisted that I run with them, and they would bring me back once I had had enough.

Off we went, fine at first but then they sped off and my poor legs felt like they were going to give way trying to keep up with them. After 3.5 miles I'd had enough and begged them to take me back to the club, which they did bless them.

So after getting home I feel sick, my chest is sore from the constant wind blowing in my face and I'm coughing! Neil has had a go at me because I'm still not 100% well, which I think I agree with him.

The nice girl Sally I met in my first week hasn't been back since so still haven't got a running partner, which I'm desperate for as I want to run over the weekend to increase my fitness. One things for sure i'm not running with the advanced group again!

My bowl of cereal is my tea as I can't stomach anything else, then bed.

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