Red Card

Disaster struck Team GB at the Alternative Olympic Games as sponsored by Debbi in the Tewkesbury Stadium today with blinding, unrelenting rain and howling winds. Events were being postponed right left and centre. Upsetting for the athletes who had being working hard on their training and upsetting too for the organisers who were faced with empty seats. Even the roads leading to the events were flooded though this proved no problem for Team Duck who took it all in their stride and paddled to their training session.

Pushing through Security, Rolo, a new addition to Team Bronco in his first Olympics was looking to break into the arena where the grass was obviously greener. Neither 'grass' nor any other illegal substance is condoned at the AOG and there is zero tolerance at any sporting event.

Following a very effective cheeky 'up and under' routine he pushed the rail, side-stepped the electric fence and tried to reach the lawn on the other side. Running like a loose cannon between the rails he ended up shoulder charging the second rail. Giving a magnificent leap into the cordoned off stadium area Rolo managed to break through - nearly flooring your intrepid blip photographer!! With a kick and a buck he showed who was boss.

Panicked officials on receiving the news hurried to the scene. Faced with a red card he was disqualified and led away through the main gate.

Remember saw it here on the Blip bulletin first!

Seriously though, having been bitten once and had my scarf chewed by this very unpleasant animal I wasn't going anywhere near when he landed in our garden this afternoon! Charging round like a lunatic he had a very evil glint in his eye. Thankfully there isn't too much damage :)

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