There were tears and also lots of rain..
The tears were from little Lucy who said goodbye to Eve this morning.. Lucy waited till Eve and I were almost at school before becoming distressed with her dad back at home .. We got a text saying 'we have tears' so Eve phoned Lucy to tell her she loved her and all we could hear back were wracking sobs :-( ..
Eve and Lucy are incredibly close .. At weekends they sleep in the same bed.. It's rare they argue and both of them are very loyal to each other.
Anyway I gave Eve a kiss went to say something to her and .. SHE WAVED ME AWAY !!! So excited was my girl that she was chomping at the bit ... Good for her ... She has text to tell us of her arrival at Gatwick and there have been the obligatory photos put up on Instagram of the gang in their sunglasses ...
To make up for Lucy worrying about Eve which she is .. Mr W took her to the shops and purchased her a new out fit for the disco on Friday .. Mind you breaking news is Eve just face timed and Lucy is off weeping again ..
Apparently she is just about to produce THE TEA TOWEL ... Haaaahaaaaaaaa
The blip today is me on a dog walk laughing about being knocked over in the wind ..
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