Genuine Canned Polo Holes

This can of holes from the centre of Polo mints I won in the mid-1980s in a competition run by Rowntree Mackintosh called "Whole Lot of Nothing". It was advertised on the wrappers of tubes of Polos (the mints with the less-fattening centre). I was one of 10 runners-up. The first prize was a two-week holiday in the Himalayas. Hmm. Well, it was better than nothing. Oh, then again ... it was nothing!

This is what it says on one side of the can:

Contents: This can contains the holes from 1117 Polos, 269 ml (0g)
Store in a cool, dry place. Protect from sunlight, and do not expose to temperatures exceeding 50°C, as this will cause your Polo holes to expand and become mis-shapen.

and on the other side:

This product should be in perfect condition. If holes are damaged in any way when you receive them, please return the holes to us in an air-tight container. We shall be glad to replace them and refund postage. On the whole, this does not affect your statutory rights. 'POLO' IS A TRADE MARK

The prize's covering letter suggests that, while I didn't win a major prize, I should feel 'a hole lot better' to know that I came close.

I've followed the advice and never opened the ring-pull can so that my Polo Mint Holes remain in perfect condition.

It's funny this should come to light today when I visited the dentist and discovered I need a filling - (would have several more fillings if I'd carried on stuffing my face with Polos) - and after some days of Mr PP and me eating the contents of past-their-best-before-date canned food (which has done us no harm whatsoever).

Strangely enough, my canned Polo mint holes don't carry a BB date. But I shan't be opening it!

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