Wild Wednesday

Soooooooo........................... the media have given us 'Super Stormy Saturday'and today we have ‘Wild Wednesday’.

As far as I’m concerned ‘Wild Wednesday’ started last night just as I was about to go to bed. I’d been out for my bedtime wee, been groomed and had my dental stick, when all of a sudden there was the loudest roar of thunder I’ve ever heard in the whole of my little collie dog life. I was really, really scared. I went running to Ann and sat right next to her shaking.

Normally I’m not allowed upstairs but because I was so scared Ann said, ‘Molly would you like to sleep under my bed tonight?’ Well, I didn’t need to be asked twice. I zoomed upstairs and went straight into the bathroom. Ann said I could stay there for the night if that was where I preferred to be.

However, just after midnight, when Ann was just dropping off to sleep, she heard a noise that sounded like I was trying to dig a hole in the bathroom. She shouted out, ‘Molly what are you doing?’ Obviously I didn’t answer because I’m a dog and I can’t talk! When Ann got out of bed to investigate what I was up to – this is where she found me. In the bath!!!

She lifted me out, shut the bathroom door and told me I had a choice – either sleep in my own bed or sleep underneath hers. I chose to sleep underneath hers.

This morning when I went on my walk it was very windy and rainy and the wind and rain haven’t stopped all day.

I’ve just been out for my afternoon walk and it certainly is ‘Wild Wednesday’. The waves were massive down on the beach. There were loads of people taking photos but I don’t think any of them were Blippers. Whenever we see someone with a camera we wonder if they're Blippers but Ann's never yet had the confidence to walk up to a stranger and ask, 'Are you a Blipper?'

...................Warm and cosy indoors now for the rest of the evening.

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