
A very sleepy Sauturday morning. Clouds cleared out a bit but continued to play hide and seek. Pigeons, perhaps a bit apprehensive of our presence, lined the electric poles and wires. Food lay waiting for them. There is something religious about pigeon-feeding in the old city. People take off their shoes while doing so. A part of the road is left free from traffic to serve as a dining table for the birds.

In other news, my brother's pet dog Jenny died. She was hardly a year old. She had this habit of running after motorbikes that would come on the street. And when she did that after midnight, a truck came from the opposite direction... I shudder each time the scene plays inside my head. A kind of heavy sadness settles over me. This is the same dog, who would sit over my brother's shoes sensing that he would be away for a while on holiday, trying to stop him from leaving and who would show undisguised affection when he would return.

A few alternatives from today:




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