Always inconstant...

By bikeyPete


There will come a day when I am past, when the sun will rise to a world without me in it and the jealousy that I feel of that morn is vast.

I stood in tingling anticipation, the high wispy cloud softening the stark dawn sky, waiting for that moment when the sun bursts over the horizon. The college rowers pounding through the water like the pounding of my heart. Here, amongst the debris of risen and then lowered water level, was a place of magic. Colours ebbed and flowed as cloud came and went, from misty apricots to burning ambers, all lasting but seconds. Here was a dawn to remember.

Sometimes I loathe taking my eyes away from a scene for a moment to look through the camera. To cast aside the bold reality for that little view finder, to then capture that my way, to show it, make it, mould it with white balance and ISO, to make you see what I see......

I love doing this thing.

To moments, all of them, guard them with passion!

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