Peace offering..

It was one of those days today where lots of little niggles builds you to great annoyance.
Builders didn't turn up for house repairs despite saying so- so shifting stuff in anticipation for their arrival was pointless.
Lots of shitty little amends & faffing work wise & then to top it off, I collected Ferguson from school & he was horrible.
All he was concerned about was seeing Daddy, asking me every 10 minutes was he leaving yet...
It upset me but also annoyed me especially since everything I do & how much I'm bend things around - when Ian does hardly anything & is the hero. At one point, after Ferguson wrestled with the dog & generally didn't do a single thing I asked, I turned to see him jamming with the record stylus & a Janis Joplin 7 inch.
He got the sharp end of my tongue & then scampered away sobbing.
A moment later he returned to my side with this rose he had unearthed & laid it on my computer I front of me.
My heart melted, bled & ached all at the same time.
How does he manage to get me right there even when I'm mad at him...?!

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