The story so far...



Today has been full on and so has cam.
We went to woodlands in the pouring rain this morning. Cam was the only one there so he ran around outside whilst mummy enjoyed a cup of coffee and biscuits with Ollie, Zenna and Lucy from the shelter of the hut.
We stopped home for a quick spot of lunch which can wolfed down and then headed to meet mason and his mummy at a new soft play place. Cam loved it and ran straight in still wearing his coat and shoes. It has great little areas including a kitchen, giant lego area, water play area, construction area as well as the standard ball pits and slides. It is much closer to the new house so will definitely be a new haunt of ours. Ollie even got his first experience of the ball pit.
Back home and cam was in destruction mode. He helped mummy cook dinner and ate tons but then broke a dish and later pulled the glass shower screen down. It gave him a real fright but luckily he was fine but he was like a whirl wind. Hopefully he calms down tomorrow!

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