Making the Tartan....
Did you know There's a Black Country Tartan? I want one, but, there's always a but, but I need another four or five people to want one too, as the kilt maker can't get the tartan made unless he orders enough to make five or six and it will cost a bomb too, so I am saving up.
Today we left the Hotel at 08:10am and headed off in a snow storm and as we went further along the lanes it got worse, until we hit the main roads and it eased off somewhat.
We swapped drivers at Perth, as the main driver would have run out of hours further down the motorway, we stopped later on at Moffat where I saw this lovely Loom, they say it still works and it did have a tartan in it but no one was around to show it to us, so we relied on the video to see how it worked. A work of art is this machine, so complex but really brilliant.
We Landed in Dudley at about 5:45pm and caught a Cab back home as BMJnr had an appointment with the optician so couldn't pick us up.
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