From the dark corner.....

By Rozwood1970

We are not amused! / Pissed off pigeon!

You know, it's not the greatest life being a pigeon? I don't even get a decent dressing room before my photo call!

It's been a day of all four seasons. I have been soaked, blown by the wind - it plays havoc with my feathers - frozen in a sudden blizzard and then dazzled by brilliant sunshine. Humph! I wouldn't have minded if I was wearing my sunglasses...

Looking on the bright side, at least I can stand here today without being knee deep in mealworms. I hate those things and they get stuck between my toes. Not a good look for a fine figure of a bird like me!

I look good large!

Track? Here's Joe Bonamassa for you - Blues Deluxe

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