A very, very, very, cold walk

At lunchtime, when Ann came home from work, our house was like a sauna. The sun was shining so brightly that we didn't need the heating on and we actually had to open the sun terrace door for 10mins.

Ann said, 'Molly, what a beautiful day. I'll take you and Ozzy, (your gorgeous golden retriever boyfriend), for a nice long walk in the sunshine.

..................Best laid plans and all that.......................

When we got to the beach to start our nice long walk, it was so windy we could hardly stand up. And it was so cold we thought we were in Siberia. Not that we've ever been to Siberia but that's not the point.

After we'd posed for this Blip we had to spend the rest of our walk, running, in an attempt to warm up.

And then, just before we got back to the car, big fat icy hailstones pelted down on us so we both ended up looking like polar bears!!!!

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