Cloud gazing
Mondays are a bit of a strain for me, trying to redifine my sleep patterns to become normal for acouple of days while I'm off and spending time with my lady. Today that didn't go well, after a week of not sleeping, my attepmts to get up early were not appreciated by my body, causing dizzziness, sickness and inevitabley more sleep. Unfortunately, this meant missing out on a lot of daylight and recreational activities but I was able to get in town before sunset. More of an acievement than it sounds.
After seeing Renee for coffee and cheesecake, Daniel for caramel flavoured icy caffinated goodness and popiing in to see Claire and Kat to retrieve my specs, it was time to head home via a quick stop to look at the sky, the half moon was extremely bright and hid most of the stars, however I did quite like this one with the silhouetted trees at the bottom and contrasting cloud. Hope you like it too.
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