Peculiar item?

Today I drove by the lake on my way home and saw something peculiar.
I stopped my car and turned it back for a blip:

Just by the lake there is no particular houses, only small factories. Abandonded most of them. Still there was a snow sleigh shovel on the stucked half melted snow. I wonder how it got there and is it waiting for the next bus...?

So cloudy day. We had nice 1mm new shlused snow in the morning, but it of course melted already, +2c. The ice on the lake is wet on surface, but you could walk there ok. The ice is thick, some 30cm, strong and slippery.

I am tending to take the early train to the dreamland to sleep tonight: Been very tired today as the knee that was injured 20.12. is still aching, during night and day.. Not very sore but not comfortable either. Yes, I lost my nerves today and booked the orthopedist for thursday.

Do take good care of your knees, you maybe do not know how dear they are to you!


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