Dreams of Samhradh

The one good thing about this weather is that lots gets achieved inside as it is not remotely tempting to wander outside. I worked hard this morning getting the spring card order sorted. Winds and hail today but the forecast for tomorrow is frightening - storms all day. The search for the second young man has been called off due to bad weather. The more we hear the sadder it seems. The family had a holiday home here and had been coming regularly for the last 20 years. It looks like they were swept from the rocks in the same place as the author JG Farrell disappeared back in the 1970s.
Tonight is Arthouse - should we be going out? Himself has just returned from a very quick walk, hailed off and something black is coming over the mountain. And now it's snowing!
Tonight's offering is Blue is the Warmest Colour - an uninhibited exploration of the messy, mesmerising and turbulent nature of love ... all about female pleasure presented in a direct non-mystificatory way! Phew.

A new band I have just discovered - The Gloaming. They are all virtuoso in one form of traditional music or another. They do a wonderfully haunting piece called the Old Bush which I thought would be very suitable but I can't find a clip of it, so you get Samhradh Samhradh instead - summer, summer ... I wish.

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