Everyday Life

By Julez

Rainy day

Though as I type this it is glorious sunshine (If rather cold) this morning was a very different story. To begin with I was quite chuffed that it was raining as at last I'd get to test out my new umbrella! Even so it seemed like a very long walk to work! Once I was there, it rained even faster, and now there was snowflakes in with the raindrops. It lashed down all morning - I have never seen this much water by the shop before! The other side of the road always seems to turn into a lake if there's a good downpour, but our side never has before! It was past people's ankles right up to the door. We lost a few customers because they couldn't get into the shop, but some drove their vehicles right onto the path and climbed from them into the shop. It has since stopped raining and most of this water has subsided!

I stood in the doorway to the shop to take this!

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