I'm on my Way
Another day, another Proclaimers song. Number 8, only 5 more to go. This is a cheer up song. Best sung out loud when you're feeling a bit down. Sing it in the strongest Scottish accent you can manage and I'll pretty much guarantee you'll be smiling by the end.
Mr B left for the airport at 4.15am, so me and the kids have had a very lazy day (after school) to balance things out. Miserable weather too - definitely a day for hiding indoors with Rocky Road to nibble at, some gentle telly (kids), a good book (me), and lashings of ginger beer (K has just started reading Famous Five books). Sort of a "Three go to Lazy Sofa Land" kind of a day.
You can hear the song here.
I?m on my Way
I'm on my way from misery to happiness today
I'm on my way from misery to happiness today
I'm on my way to what I want from this world
And years from now you'll make it to the next world
And everything that you receive up yonder
Is what you gave to me the day I wandered
I took a right, I took a right turning yesterday
I took a right, I took a right turning yesterday
I took the road that brought me to your home town
I took the bus to streets that I could walk down
I walked the streets to find the one I'd looked for
I climbed the stair that led me to your front door
And now that I don't want for anything
I'd have Al Jolson sing "I'm sitting on top of the world"
I'll do my best, I'll do my best to do the best I can
I'll do my best, I'll do my best to do the best I can
To keep my feet from jumping from the ground dear
To keep my heart from jumping through my mouth dear
To keep the past, the past and not the present
To try and learn when you teach me a lesson
And now that I don't want for anything
I'd have Al Jolson sing "I'm sitting on top of the world".
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