A threat in the area.

Today, at the Alternative Olympic Games - Northern Michigan venue, we had competition after competition canceled due to a threat in the area... It is unclear exactly what that threat was, but it was clear that the athletes were instructed to stay out of sight. The theories spread like wildfire throughout the Olympic village. But the best guess we came up with, was that a hawk was hunting in the area. After the early morning hours, we rarely saw any birds competitors.

However, I was lucky enough to catch up to Mr. Pileated first thing this morning. Looking for an interview regarding team Pileated's loss to team Bluejay in yesterday's hockey finals, I approached the impressive bird requesting a chat. He took one look at my camera and turned his back to me stating, "I'm in no mood for an interview." It seems that he's still smarting after their brutal loss. I was fortunate enough to get this photo when he threw me an icy over-the-shoulder glare. After that look, I decided to give him his space and off I went to find other athletes to cover. That's when I noticed the empty arenas...

Safety first... even at the AOG. Hopefully tomorrow games will be back on schedule and the threat will have left the area.

Signing off for tonight - this has been BetsysPics reporting for Debbi's Alternative Olympic Games

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