Just the Withers......

By JaneW

This is not even a camera trickery moment ..

The field is flooded .. The entire thing has the river Avon washed all over it and you can see the sky reflection so well ..Billy dog,Sadie and I went down to investigate and it was so deep Sadie could only swim ... Billy never even attempted to try and walk and it would have flooded my wellies so we just carried on up above the fields on the greenway ...

Popped out this afternoon to buy an amazing quirky gift for Eve to take to her hosts in Spain ... You will be AMAZED at my special gift that has to reflect where Eve lives....
I can tell you are all gagging to find out what I purchased ...

A tea towel with a picture of Shakespeare on it and a list of all his plays ... Yeahhhhhh baby ... I know how to rock gift sending ..I can tell every single one of you is jealous as hell ... I might blip Eve holding the tea towel of awesomeness tomorrow.

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