Hands up if you have a nice lolly

Teething monster let himself in around 1am stayed till 2am.
Charlotte woke at 5am, daddy v grumpy!

Daddy left for work at 6, took him two and half hours to get to the motorway this morning, usually a fifteen Minute journey. Worcester gridlocked!

School for me was closed but to maintain a routine I took Charlotte to nursery, just 1 hour late than normal. It was eerie! No traffic anywhere.

Way back was not so great but hey ho!

Did some school work, tidied a bit, thought about doing the ironing but didn't get past thinking about it.

Picked Munchie up at three as the staff were asking v nicely if parents could do early pick ups. Upton still one way in and one, Tewkesbury turning into an island.

School open tomorrow, not sure this is a good idea as more rain forecast for tonight and tomorrow but we shall see.

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