bucks life

By bucksmiss

Monday again...

....and it's the same view but with different weather. Looking wet, moody and sunny and just as eye-catchingly beautiful as usual. I'm really growing to look forward to this view every week and to love it.

I got a bit sad yesterday evening after my friends left as I caught sight of some of the day's photos of me on the dreaded Facebook put up by one of my friends and I seriously did not like what I saw. I managed to make it so I couldn't see them any more but, of course, some other people will be able to. I told her not to take them down as I need to get over myself but do find it hard to think of what I look like in them and surprisingly upsetting.

Still, today is another day and after a great night's sleep I had an enjoyable and productive day at work. I'm getting busier which always makes it better. A colleague who is shortly going on maternity leave met with myself and another colleague to talk about handing over her files, which is always a good thing, getting prepared. This time next week, we'll be in the new open plan office. Eek!

When I went to the head shrink, I made a real effort to stay with my difficult feelings which is what he's always trying to get me to do and which I always manage to avoid. Whilst the hour itself was most uncomfortable, I have to say that I did feel like I got something more from today then from many other sessions. Focussing back on sad times aged 9 and trying to stay with those feelings while someone else is sitting there watching me is hard and feels unnatural. But it seems it is what I need to do and talk about. I think I have to accept that. So it was a good session really.

It was home to change yet another bed; hang out yet more duvets; and then wash yet more duvets. But now that's done, I'll have a relaxing evening, possibly even with some Breaking Bad series 4, so all's well.

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