RIP Mr. Christmas Bird

We are sad to announce the passing of Mr. Christmas Bird. He died in a tragic dog training accident… RIP Mr. Christmas Bird.

Hero is hiding his face in shame and says he did not mean to rip his head off!

In other news – it was a busy day I work. I went to collect one of the residents in hospital. She broke her leg last week and needed an operation, but now she is home again, which is nice.

I walked dogs in the Academy Garden and had a training session with each dog, when I came home.

I have talked on the phone with my friend from the Faroe Islands. It was great to talk to her, but unfortunately she did not have good news. Her dog is very very ill and the vets can’t find out why. It has lasted 6 months now and still lots of questions and no answers.

Time to hit the school books…

See you tomorrow
Emmy and the Hazyland Boys

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