"The Beautiful Red Cliffs" ...
...Of Redcliffs..yes, the prettiest place, with these cliffs of Red along the Murray river and hidden away- and only those who know this place, go there to see these lovely cliffs, so very old, and featured in films here and there..you can imagine it..the colors are something else and never have they changed..
...I took several lovely shots but this one appealed to me the most as it has a bit of everything in it..
...It's been over 30 years since we've been there and it's only about 10 miles from where we live - we'll go again and take some more shots similar..
...Prior to that - we visited this little town of Red Cliffs, which is where we used to live for a while many years ago, and our daughter was born there..the hospital is no longer there and is now a backpacker's hostel; some shops have changed, ofcourse, but there's a bit of everything there too..
...It's a dear little town - and we had a very nice lunch at a little Scottish restaurant, yes, Scottish - the cook has his shop done out in Scottish everything, I think he's from Edinburgh and had the broadest accent - but then - ofcourse we do as well I guess, we Aussies - and there we enjoyed a lunch of a lovely home-made Scottish pie with home-made sauce together with salad..the shop was full..
...There are many people who shift to this little town, it's quiet and everyone knows everyone ofcourse - an old soldier settlement town, and we know people who shifted there from Queensland to get out of the rat race up there they've told us..yes, out of the rat race..it makes a difference..and as you can see - it has been a lovely day..much cooler than yesterday..
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