Snowy, Snowy Night

We have a fresh layer of snow tonight. It is dry, cold, loose snow that's easy to deal with. I have a vehicle this weekend, so it's easier still.

A friend of mine from my high school days, Walter Heinhold, died of a heart attack while shoveling snow in New Hampshire two days ago. Walter and I hung out a lot for about two years. We swapped stories, dreamed, and smoked a lot of pot. It was mostly during school hours, whether we were at school or gone missing. Then we lost touch for about 35 years.

In 2009 I resumed contact with scores of people who I'd known as kids, including Walter. He had been teaching English and Drama at a high school, and his daughter had become a serious stand-up comic. I was never to visit with him but I've been thinking that it's a nice life that could not have happened to a better guy. I envied and admired Walter for his involvement in Theater.

Now the old stories and pictures are being posted, and scores of Walter's former students are pouring down condolences and accolades for their departed drama coach.

Walter Heinhold was a very smart, likable fellow with a good heart. I'm glad I knew him and wish I'd known him better.

Here in my blipfolio is an image posted today by Walter's sister Amy. This is exactly the way I remember my friend, around 1974. Her caption reads, "Walt, the consummate magician, and me the perfect patsy for his card trickery. ( I was always an easy mark!)"

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