Full House

It's still raining steadily. Our walk to the the bridge over the creek this morning revealed that the huge log I saw yesterday had moved on downstream. Hope it doesn't dam things up further down....

We've been holed up all day putting together IKEA furniture and trying to figure out how best to fit it into the office. Dana and OilMan put things together while I made frequent appearances to defend my territory! It's the classic scenario in there on a grand scale. Instead of putting a piece of furniture together only to find out that there is a handful of screws left over, we have one or two pieces of furniture left over!

I took a break to watch the birds at the feeder in the pouring rain. These bright little birds (lesser goldfinches) are crowding the feeder, lined up on the poles, and dotted all over the plum tree behind it, like little drops of sunshine in the gloom. They are less patient than usual, fluttering and vying for space. I used OilMan's camera, which has a longer telephoto lens than mine. Between the rain, the stickers on the windows,, and the constant movement, I didn't do too well on the focus....

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