By the seaside
Not the smoothest of starts today. I woke up just the teensiest bit queasy, and then broke my special brand spanking new hairband when I got to the gym. Nightmare. Still managed to get down to portobello beach and back before 11am - a grand total of 11k. Last time I was here I saw the beached sperm whale, so today's visit was a whole pile more pleasant - glorious seaside, in glorious sunshine. And its just so nice getting out of the city. After some recent failures, we have learnt to swap our afternoon runs to the morning, hugely enhancing our chances of actually achieving it. My strategy is to get as much mileage in before my body registers whats really happening, and before I've had the whole day to persuade myself that I've got much better things to do.
So far so good.
Today we had all seasons. So beautiful, clear and warm, almost summery, and then suddenly, we were back to blustery cold winterness.
Monday tomorrow, already? How fast the weeks are passing.
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