The Jenner Museum, Berkeley

According to the website for this museum, the work of Dr Edward Jenner "saved more lives than that of any other man on earth". Quite a claim! He certainly developed the first vaccine ( to prevent smallpox) and is known as the father of immunology.

I had to drive to Berkeley this afternoon for a meeting. I had hoped to photograph the castle, which is where King Edward II met a very nasty end, but I couldn't get a good view of it without wading into a waterlogged field.

So I give you the Jenner Museum, rendered as an ink sketch.

On the way home I drove past a lot of floods, and through one small one.

Incidentally, the Berkeley in California is named after this one, and I remember when I went on a guided tour of the castle years ago, the guide said firmly that the correct pronunciation is Barkley, like the noise a dog makes.

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