Fast Shutter Speed

Freezing the Action - Fast shutter speed/panning.

I would have liked to have practised some panning for this shot but it’s really the wrong time of year. There’s no way I was going to persuade Igor to get on his bike and ride up and down the road dozens of times in this wind (he has done this before but on a fine and sunny day). There wouldn’t be any wake boarders up at the lake (unless they were crazy) so my two best ideas were scuppered. Second choice was a fast shutter speed shot.

The fastest shutter speed on my camera is 1/4000 of a second. To give you some idea of how fast that is a bees wing beats at about 1/200 of a second. I decided to see what I could do with such a fast shutter speed and some running water. this shot was taken in the kitchen sink with the natural light coming from the window.

I was surprised that I could freeze the water so successfully without the help of flash.

f1.8 on my 45mm lens
ISO set at 4000
Shutter speed 1/4000

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