Sea Urchin

By seaurchin

Morning sun

This is one of the places where Blue likes to lie in the morning. It's also one of the few places the kittens can't quite get to - yet.

Today I felt as if I was wading through water, everything seems to take much longer than usual and I am clumsy and forgetful. My blood results showed that my thyroid is so under-active now to be almost inactive, so at least I know why I am so tired. The doc. has increased my thyroxin so hopefully I will feel a lot better by christmas.

Murron is fascinated by my wonky arms. I had never really paid much attention to them given they look (mostly) and function normally. Many years ago after being in an accident the doctor on duty thought I had broken them both only to realise that they were absolutely fine. Murron keeps asking me to stretch them out in front just so she can say (over and over) 'Wow they really are weird!'

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