Saturday games
Saturday: Nik’s basketball game in the morning. Tatum’s soccer game in the late afternoon. Then a walk in Magnusen park which got too dark for decent photos.
Here’s the very nice indoor soccer arena facility at Magnusen Park. And yes, those 12 man flags and Seahawks jerseys are still very much present everywhere - but now we have the Olympics!
Thanks for all the stars and hearts for that old family photo yesterday. Of course all I did was take a photo of the photo that some professional photographer took in 1946 in my home in our living room. I’ve always liked the composition. The blurry pix in the background its my mother’s parents. If anyone else wants to put an old photo of themselves as a child on blip, tag it “OldfashionSP” so we can all see!
Oh oh it's just now snowing in Seattle!! (8:00 pm)
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