through His eyes.

By throughHiseyes


Thought I would stick to my own promise today, to think of things that I'm grateful of every once in a while.

Simple little things recently in my life that makes me smile:

1) coffee. Ok, Starbucks. There's one by my house that's only 2 mins away. Nice and cozy, never packed. LOVE studying here.

2) new friendships. A high school classmate, now a friend, works here. I guess I always come when he's working, so we say hi now. We started off on an awkward note because he knew my name when we, according to my memory, never talked before. But having mutual friends sounds reasonable for him to know.

3) life long friends. I can confidently name those people now and I am very, very grateful for what they've done for me. Always there when I need something, especially now that I'm living by myself. So grateful.

4) family. I don't think I say this enough to them, but I am grateful. For their unconditional love and ability to forgive easily. I've always seen myself as the troublemaker and the weird one in the family, but they always forgive and forget.

5) everything. I may be poor in some people's eyes, but I already have everything. A roof over my head, a car, clothes, a bed, enough money to provide the necessities, and a healthy body to carry me through the days. And a snow shovel. Definitely the snow shovel. I can complain about these endless snow storms, but as long as I have the shovel, I am a-okay!

Perspective, not the circumstances.

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