New Board Old dude

By BOBTaskforcepro

Dark Side of the Moon

Whilst out for a walk with Old Mum dude last night I took my camera just in case something turned up, I took a quick shot of the moon and then the battery in my camera gave up. So that was that. Hence the not to great shot of almost nothing. Good walk though I managed to find out about pretty much everything thing there is to know about everybody that lives in the West of Alloa. I did call her a nosey b******, but she took in good humour! Although, I hasten to add that I almost never swear unless its as a joke and I think I am allowed just 1 per week!
Which reminds me of being at school and our old English teacher (because we were in 5 year) allowed us one swear word a week, although personally I never took advantage of it, made up for it since though! Oh fu*k aye!!!!!

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