Bric a brac

I detest the words "bric a brac". They say "clutter" to me and I do not like clutter. The term is French and was first used in the Victorian era (and we all know how much they loved clutter). Apparently Edith Wharton in 'The Decoration of Houses', written in 1897,distinguished three gradations of quality in household ornaments : objets d'art, bibelots (trinkets) and bric a brac.
There was a bric a brac sale in Dunscore today with I wanted to support by having lunch. Once there, however, I couldn't resist a nose around the stalls, and I did buy this wee owl, which will not be cluttering my mantlepiece but was a present for Joe's girlfriend Connie.

The soup alone (celeriac and parsnip) was worth the journey out in atrocious weather.

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