Hand-made FLAME thrower.
Always keep yourself occupied in doing something creative work cause if you don't then you'll end up doing something very risky and foolish things like this telling yourself "this is real creative", just the way I did.
Achieved this hand made flame thrower by spraying a highly pressurised perfume on a candle flame,its an experiment everybody would like to try after seeing except those who aren't foolish like me because its highly dangerous, yet I couldn't stop myself from doing it.Even when it is sprayed from a distance the flame from the candle reaches your finger tips within seconds that's why my hand with the bottle looks hazy cause I pulled it very quickly,and I didn't have the guts to do it again for a better photograph,it was real frightening. But if it comes in contact with the tip then you'll be turning a fragrance tank into a lethal homemade grenade BOMB.
Think twice before you do this.
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