Huckleberry Brothers Band
Rich, our friends Marji and Fred, and I attended an opening at our local museum. The Cameron Museum is the custodian of the Forks Road civil war battlefield, which caused the fall of Wilmington. The battlefield is located on museum property. Each year they commentate the battle with an encampment and corresponding exhibit. The Huckleberry Brothers performed 19th century music during the opening, they lent true authentic flavor to the evening.
The exhibit was a tribute to a famous Civil War photographer, Matthew Brady. He is known as the father of photojournalism. Unfortunately, his work was captured on glass plates that were recycled for use in greenhouses. Brady was forced to sell his plates to settle his debts. The sun erased the photos. A local artist, Harry Taylor, recreated the glass plates using the Wet Plate Collodion process with a large format camera.
It was a fun evening all around.
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