
By rmx3G

Art of commuting and delays

Everyday we are commuting.
Someday we are delayed.
And it has something common with my net traffic as well.

Actually really sorry, that I'm late with blip-words cause of private Friday's traffic.
My personal "traffic jam" was yesterday and cause is delay about 10 hrs approximately.
But "my yesterdays' personal journeys" were fine in both ways.
Even I could say that they looked like this bicycle locked near West End yesterday.
Well old-fashioned.

So what I could say about my blip-delay?
Usual apologise and nothing special, trust me.
It's an old-fashioned and traditional Friday' s habit for more people. Me as well.
PINTS on the GO on Friday night :-)

Oh yes.Finding a subject of interest and taking a picture, that was a question of time. Not too difficult.
If you're looking in the streets properly, you have always chance to find it.
Like me yesterday.

But try to find those right words. That is quite difficult. Even for me.
Especially when you're going for couple of drinks in the evening.
So I was responsible in both ways.
I didn't post anything last night. I didn't get drunk last night.

You know how it works when you're enjoying the free time.
Switch off everything. Have fun. Try to be good.
No chance to post it. Good decision.
It' s saturday's morning and I'm just writing and posting proper blip-words for Friday right now.

No hangover in the morning, clear head now, weekend-off starting.
Simple. Lucky me.I'm OFF for the weekend.

Busy weekend we should expect for Edinburgh cause the RBS 6 Nations match-day and the old firms' game during this Saturday. Oh yes, most mportant rugby match is coming here.
GREAT BRITAIN' s derby and arcrivals are meeting each other at Murrayfield stadium.
Who will be winner? Is this important for me? Oh, no ;-)

Fortunatelly I'm not interesting in that match and I'm definitely not interesting in that old rivalry in both ways. Keep that away from me. Of course I have a respect for both sides together.

But actually I have a different mission and that is a promise to delivery a solid blip channel' s goals in here :-)

So I have my own plan what TO DO this weekend.
Two solid weekend blips.
That' s my promise to you right now..
That' s what I'm interesting in.
That's what will be happening ;-)

At the end I would like to say thank you for all of your comments and especialy subscriptions. Really appreciated for that.

For those who are working this weekend in Edinburgh or everywhere outside I would like to say:
"Have a succesful and no-stressful working hours wherever you are whatever you do. Big respect to all of you "REAL WEEKEND WARRIORS" ;-)

Story behind the image :

When I took this 'reflection', owner of the bike were coming back to unlock his bicycle. He saw me of course. He kept smiling when I said to him that his bicycle has really nice old-fashioned design. That is absolutely nothing like the modern tech serial gear in today's mass-production. It works and it's still useful for owner's satisfaction. Like the real great images and photos.

Anyway, I hope that you find it like a kind of modern vehicle in one aspect (at my picture). You could go in both ways when you use it.

And that's it, how the way of blipping works.

You should be serious or you should be here just for fun.
That's great for all sides.

Actually this one is Snapseed HDR edit because I couldn't make Reflection and HDR in my camera at the same time. But modern cameras you could find like the small computers who are able to produce many of those images. Better we could transform the word "images" into the word "digital file". And maybe it's time to change it. I mean the quantity for quality. And I mean the multi-function (2 in 1) setup in the cameras at one moment.

Hope that you will enjoying the square format.

Have a great weekend everybody :-)

See ya soon...in next few hours again...

#Snapseed edit 05 HDR edition

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