Today was back in the land of the internet with a small portion of that land still on hiatus (ie my room STILL DOESN'T HAVE INTERNET) so this was the only picture I took today that wasn't a screenshot of a funny post on my phone.
It's the clock at my favorite pizza restaurant in the entire world. And I've been to 5/7 continents, so you can imagine my 'whole world' almost literally means 'the whole world'. Notice I say almost.
Unfortunately, it's in this little tiny town next to six other tiny towns about 1 hour away from anything in Italy. But fortunately, we often go there when we go to the house in Italy, because it's literally 10 minutes away. So that's a plus.
I always order the same thing: Coca latina, pizza Diavola, e spinache al burro. In case you don't speak Italian, here's what those things mean. A regular Coke (Specified to be in a can, which they always ask you in Italy), pepperoni pizza (although if you were to order that in an Italian restaurant this far out in the boonies, they'd give you a pizza with peppers), and spinach with butter. My GOD that spinach is amazing. Yes, I haven't forgotten that I'm 14 and obligated to hate spinach, but what you gonna do? I hate tomatoes, is that enough for you?
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