
By MrsPuff

Granity Morning

After a great nights sleep, we awoke to a beautiful morning. We went for a walk along the beach after breakfast, before heading out for a days sight seeing.

We started by looking around the town of Granity, and then headed up the hill to Millerton, where the views were amazing. Then to Westport, Carters Beach, Cape Foulwind (where I saw a Weka, and her two babies, it reminded me of Pippy, Myrtle & Sweetpea), Tauranga Bay (to see the seal colony). We stopped at the Westport cemetery to have a look at some of the headstones - we might have another look tomorrow if we have time.

It was very sunny and hot today, and I got sunburnt, despite wearing spf30+ sunscreen!

I can't believe the amount of cicadas and sandflies. Everywhere we go, the sound from the cicadas is deafening - it's like being in the jungle.

We head to Nelson tomorrow morning, where we've booked a cabin, so at least we know we've got accommodation sorted for the next 2 days.

The internet is dodgy, at best, at the moment, so I apologise for not commenting on journals.

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