Skip's Blips

By Skip

Another Friday face

Yep, it's already Friday again, and it is COLD...a real frigid Friday. The sun was shining (sort of) when I went to the park, but the actual temperature was five degrees Fahrenheit. If you read my journal regularly, you probably remember that I have a self-imposed rule to avoid photo walking in extremely cold weather. When the temperature plummets below 18 degrees or the wind chill reading hovers in the single digits, I am not motivated to go walking. Today the wind chill was minus four degrees, but I went anyway. Actually I didn't check the temperature until I was already in the park, but I'm glad I went because I returned home a happy blipper with lots of photos that I like. Mary Clare was the first photo I took today. The rest of the morning's bounty is comprised of deer and birds (no surprise there) and wintry landscapes. You can see them here.

Mary Clare has been our back street neighbor for close to 40 years, but I never knew that was her name. We've always known her as Terry. When I asked her which way she spells her name so I could spell it correctly in the caption, she told me it isn't her real name, explaining that her parents named her Mary Clare, and that is really what she wishes to be called. She came by Terry because Theresa was her confirmation name. At that time she chose to be called Terry, and it stuck. But Mary Clare she is for her Friday Faces photo, and I hope she is happy with it. I know I am happy that I ran into her in the park. She patiently posed for the photo op, and we stood for a while and chatted as if it were 80 degrees and not the frigid 5 degrees it actually was. Thank you, Mary Clare, for being this week's Friday Face.

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