I’ve been waiting for the snowdrops in this wood to flower for nearly a year, so I took the dogs there for a stroll, they are quite content to potter around while I am other-wise engaged. It was unfortunate, not to say careless, that I didn’t put a kneeler in my kit-bag as it meant that I didn’t get down on the floor to check the background thoroughly enough. Neither did I think to take a shot that I could use to replace the back ground. There is a swivel screen on the camera that would have helped, but it doesn’t work in landscape mode.
I might try again next year when you‘ve all forgotten this effort.
However, the three of us had a pleasant time while Mrs TD was enjoying herself, with some friends, cutting up pieces of fabric and stitching them back together, and then repeating the process.
I’ve just posted yesterday’s blip, “The Dead Tree.”
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