Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Welcome to the Alternative Olympic Games 2014!

Well, it was an exciting morning here at the Northern NJ Olympic Stadium. In fact, this reporter was hard-pressed to capture all of the stories and excitement on Day One of these historic games.

Almost as soon as the sun came up, Team Grackle showed up ... with over 100 cheering fans. Almost before you could say "sunflower seeds", the fans started arguing, the athletes got distracted and, well... here you see the result...the Synchronized Flying competition was a debacle with grackles flying all over the place and no one making any attempt to stay in formation.

Finally, Team Grackle got their sh** together made an impressive showing in the Speed flights and the 10 Yard Dash narrowly beating out Team Junco's star Speed-Flight athlete.

Which brings me to the second unfortunate "incident" of the day ... Team Junco. With an appalling lack of self-control, the Speed-Eating team got into a pecking match which quickly devolved into A full-blown aerial fight . The officials are going to have to consider sanctioning them which may affect their ability to medal during these games. Could be a heart-breaker, folks.

Finally, Team Blue Jay got all amped up, grabbed all the peanuts, and broke into a completely inappropriate victory dance. . I'm telling you, people, things could get interesting out here at Olympic Stadium.

I'm looking forward to checking in with the other contestants in the Alternative Olympic Games (tag AOG) around the world and seeing if other reporters are also finding such unrivaled enthusiasm amongst the athletes.

For now, I'm signing off ...


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