Blue Skies At Last

My grandad always had a saying, "Friday is either the best day of the week, or the worst!", think I've quoted this a few months ago but he sure was right :) Today has been a great day, just one shower at lunchtime but lovey blue skies and sunshine :) Ah it makes such a difference to everyone.

Up early with the fine morning and even managed to get clothes out on the line :) Off to work and it has been a quiet day again!
Thinking a quiet weekend ahead. Off to the local auction to have a look around tonight but everything might change later on.

In the morning I had to make a delivery to the local camera shop to get photos developed. With the fine morning I walked and snapped a few photos on the way. The harbour was lovely and calm after all the wind and rough seas. This is a local fishing boat LK 250 Sharyn Louise and the Ocean Endeavour behind for accomodation for oil workers. Taken in Lerwick.

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