Ford End Waterfalls

Left home about 06:45 this morning and we were back just after 07:00.

The lane was passable, just, but when we reached the village the water was higher than I've seen it before so we turned round and went back to bed!

When it was daylight we went out for a walk and found that it had improved a bit but that there was lots of damage along the lane. At one point this morning I noticed that about two foot of new tarmac was at 90 degrees to the road, when we went for our walk it had broken off and was scattered across the road.

This afternoon we did a round trip via Bishops Stortford, at Manuden there were mud slides with hedges in the middle of the road, there were also some houses having water pumped out of them, one road in BS was impassable, then it wasn't too bad until we reached Newport where we couldn't go any further north as the road was shut but we were able to make it back to Clavering. The usual turn by the Fox and Hounds was flooded but the other entrance beyond Starlings Green, where we had left from was as relatively ok.

In any case we are far better off than many other people as at least our house is above water. Seeing the brown water being pumped out of the houses today really brought it home to me how lucky we are.

I hope everyone else is okay.

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