As my mood grabs me...

By AlisonM

Boring Blip......

A boring blip today I think - having only got in half an hour ago and just had a bit of grub, I'm going to get stitching very shortly and don't think the camera will be coming out again.

That said there's a wonderful full moon out there and the light is lovely - maybe later.......

Anyway, it's been an excellent early evening - knock off work at 5pm, heavy duty massage at 5.30 followed by half an hour with the chiropractor. A very pleasant hour of treatment and chat and then a walk back into town for the bus accompanied by some very loud Nickelback on my litle player. I felt almost perky!

I do like having my treatments - it's only every two months 'cos it ain't cheap but worth every penny and is a very enjoyable hour to boot.

Now I'm going to undo all the good by sitting down for an hour to do some needlpoint. The finished article will be blipped soon.......

Oh yes - this is the view from my office window - by the time I'd checked the pics, realised the lights were reflecting, switched off said lights and went to try again the clouds had all departed and the sky was blank. Hey ho - I actually quite like the reflections anyway

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