
I needed something much quicker for my blip today. The techniques challenge has taken up quite a lot of my time since I started it. This is my wildcard for the week and this is how I did it. (I know there are many different ways to achieve this result but this is the first one I was taught and I still find the easiest and quickest. I really need more Photoshop lessons).

Wildcard - One single coloured object in a B&W image.

Import chosen shot into Photoshop. (I'm using Photoshop Elements 9)

From the “layer” drop down menu choose “New Adjustment Layer > Hue and Saturation”

Choose the saturation slider and slide it all the way to the left till the image is B&W

Choose the eraser from the left hand side of the screen. Erasing over any object will bring back the original colour to the object. At the top left of the screen you can choose the size and brush type of the eraser.

Go back to layer menu from the top and click on “flatten image” to restore it to a jpeg.

Save and done!!

Hope you like the image. Hope the instructions are easy to follow.

Now on to Week 2

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