lessons in eve

Today I learnt 3 things:

1. Eve has a fairly good sense of how the DVD player works, I realised this when I found her 2 favourite DVDs rammed into it on my return from work. She looked so pleased with herself as she watched me carefully negotiating the eject mechanism.

2. I should be more careful about the spare clothes I put in the bag she takes with her to Jessica's. She returned home in a VERY pink outfit. Whilst amusing, I probably need to learn the art of neutral spare clothes before potty training commences.

3. Eve likes being VERY close to the telly and she's getting better at finding stuff to climb on. Having discovered that The Sound of Music is her disc of choice (as it was one of the discs rammed in the player), I popped it on whilst I did the washing up and returned to the lounge to find her with her nose pressed up against the screen.

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