One Way To The Moon & The Stars

Day 37 of 365. It felt really quite strange to wake up in London rather than my home county of Kent. It also meant I had a bit of a lie in - instead of getting up at my usual 5.30 I didn't have to raise my head until gone 8 a.m.!
On the way into work I treated myself to sausage and egg mcmuffin washed down with an orange juice and a strong coffee - a rather enjoyable way to start the day. After my near enough 17 hour day yesterday I definitely felt very weary today and I noticed it really affected my memory - all day I kept putting things down and then not remembering where on god's earth I put them!
Today's shot was taken on the way to catch my train home - it's actually an art gallery window but I do like the idea of a moon that's fallen to earth and trapped behind glass!

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